How should young adults stay focused on their job search during the pandemic?

For many, it’s very challenging to stay focused on your job search during the pandemic. There are lots of distractions such as living at home with your parents or living with your friends in an apartment. The ability to get away for quiet time and go to the library or a coffee shop is limited. It’s critical, more than ever to stay hyper focused on your most critical activities.

A job search demands a lot of different tasks, such as research, networking, applying for jobs, interviewing, and more. The key is time management and time blocking your career search activities on a daily basis.  

Listed below are 5 ways to get back on track:

1. Get Off the Grid for at Least an Hour a Day

2. Check Email No More Than Three Times a Day

3. Start a Small Activity-Switching Ritual

4. Track Your Activities

5. Divide the Day into Uninterrupted Time and Free-for-All Time

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