My son was a recent college graduate who didn’t have a clear career path and had no idea how to begin to search for his first job.   As a parent, my discussions with my him regarding potential employment often ended in frustration with little progress.  We were thankfully introduced to Jodi and she immediately laid out an organized framework for him to follow.  Jodi initially suggested a diagnostic exercise to determine his strengths, skills and interests.  She then provided expert guidance for all aspects of the job search: developing a compelling resume; effectively utilizing social media to find job leads and potential connections; prepping for interviews and how to thoughtfully follow-up with potential employers.  Throughout the process, he gained confidence and learned how to market himself.  He is now happily employed at a firm which is a great culture fit for his personality and skill set.  This never would have happened without Jodi’s expert career guidance.  I highly recommend working with her. Amy W. | Parent