People With 1 Job Skill on Their LinkedIn Get Hired at Faster Rates

LinkedIn found job seekers who had this skill got hired at the highest

If you’re job hunting, one of your first steps should be to optimize your LinkedIn profile. Perhaps you’d like to transition to a new career or switch industries. How might you up-level your skills to improve your hireability?

New LinkedIn data suggests you build up your soft skills — and their results say one is especially valuable. 

The most in-demand soft skill of the year, according to LinkedIn’s data, is creativity. Creativity is the same soft skill LinkedIn touted for job seekers last year. “It’s no stretch to say creativity is the single-most important skill in the world for all business professionals today to master,” LinkedIn said of its 2019 results. 

Creativity is applicable to a variety of fields and career levels. Your job title is irrelevant. Accountants and developers can bring as much creativity to their work as designers and illustrators. Being able to think creatively to solve problems and connect ideas will serve you well at every stage of your career. And, LinkedIn data shows that employers are seeking creative thinkers across many industries. 

People with these skills on their LinkedIn get hired at higher rates. 

To deem creativity as the most in-demand job skill, LinkedIn analyzed data from their own members. Over 600 people have LinkedIn profiles, and more than 20 million jobs are posted on the platform. 

LinkedIn looked at skills that are in high demand relative to their supply. They looked at the skills listed on the profiles of LinkedIn members who were getting hired at the the highest rates. The data captured represents the market in cities with at least 100,000 LinkedIn members. 

The most in-demand soft skills in order of demand were creativity, persuasion, collaboration, adaptability, and emotional intelligence. LinkedIn also compiled the most in-demand hard skills. The top five were blockchain, cloud computing, analytical reasoning, artificial intelligence, and UX design. ​

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