Question: What are the top reasons some Candidates Fail to Land a New Job?

Even with the economy opening up, our clients frequently ask why most young adults fail to land a job.

Listed below are the top reasons:

1. Looking in the wrong places- they still are not sure what they want to do

2. You gave a bad first impression and were unprepared- preparation and role playing is the key.

3. You didn’t follow directions in the interviewing process.

4. You lied about something on your resume.

5. You weren’t a good cultural fit- it’s important to do research on the company and find out their values prior to the interview

5. You were too casual or overconfident- don’t let your guard down

6. You have an unprofessional online presence- monitor and clean up your social activity

7. You didn’t sell yourself during the interview process- you need to be able to articulate the skills/impact you can bring to the organization. Match your strengths to the skills required in the position

8. Your resume Needs Lots of Work

9. You Don’t Have the Right Experience

10. You didn’t send a ‘thank you’ note or follow up- We know of companies that won’t consider candidates to the next phase unless they receive a thank you note

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