A Positive Mindset Pays Off Who: Carly graduated in May 2022 and found her first job working in the Recruiting industry. Unfortunately, after just 5...
Job Searching 101 – Mistakes to Avoid Edition
Searching for a job can be a challenging process as you prepare your resume, craft a cover letter, and go through the interview process. If you want...
Success without the Stress
Job search tips to reduce the stress and set yourself up for success Looking for a new job can be exciting, but also overwhelming. There are so many...
Success Story: Tech Analyst in Chicago
Who: Greg graduated from University of Wisconsin with a computer science degree in December. Challenge: Greg was concerned about job opportunities...
Career Track Coaching Minute – Dylan Levine
https://youtu.be/biPYsPgSrRk Video Transcription Jim 0:09 Hi, welcome to Career Track Coaching Minute. My name is Jim Frisch, and we help young...
No employment experience? Here’s what you can do:
One of the biggest challenges college graduates face is their own perception that they don't have “enough” employment experience. They've worked...
Success Story: Two offers to choose from!
One of our favorite success stories was helping a new grad get two great job offers to choose from! Who: Spencer was a senior at Syracuse...
Strategies to Showcase Your Leadership Skills During Job Interviews
When you are interviewing for a job, it’s not just about the job. Companies want to hire individuals who take initiative and who are interested in...
8 Ways to Make Yourself the Obvious Best Choice for the Job
Recruiters and hiring managers are humans too. Talking to candidate after candidate about the same job, and asking the same questions over and over...
New Grad Interview Pointers
Interviewing is a skill that requires preparation, practice, and patience. New college grads, in particular, may face difficulties due to a lack of...