Jodi made the job search process completely stress free and helps you every step of the way! Jodi’s extensive experience working in recruiting and personable nature makes her the perfect resource for someone hunting for a new job. As a recent college graduate, Jodi was able to help me prepare all my application materials (resume, cover letters, LinkedIn profile, etc.) in ways to best differentiate me from other applicants.
I can’t express how helpful his guidance and support was throughout the entire process. I would not be where I am today if I did not have his expertise through the application and interview process. I highly recommend Jim to anyone who is finishing school and ready to start a career. Not only did he help get my career started but he also taught me job seeking techniques that I will use for the rest of my life.
We started from the ground up with improvements to my resume, cover letters, and professional image on LinkedIn and on various media platforms. Next, Jimmy had me work on various exercises in broadening my network and realizing how connected I was with the resources that I had. Next thing I knew I was having face-to-face meetings with people in the field that I wanted to be in, making new connections with an increased sense of confidence and pride in what I had to offer.
Career Track Coaching has been so helpful to my daughter. They helped her understand just how many valuable skills and relevant experience she actually has and now her resume looks so impressive! Jodi has been a great coach, always available to answer my daughter’s questions.