Has your student made the most of their summer internship?

It is hard to believe that summer is almost over. Whether your student had an in-person or virtual internship, they were fortunate enough to gain professional experience. This is key to securing a job upon graduation.

There is only a short period of time between now and the career fairs. Some schools will have in-person career fairs and some will be virtual. Regardless, your students will need to differentiate themselves from the competition.

How can they do this?

  1. Approach their manager for feedback on their performance (positive & constructive)
  2. Update their resume with their new experience and skills gained
  3. Set up their Handshake profile
  4. Enhance their LinkedIn profile
  5. Prepare for the career fair
  6. Formulate stories for interviews

Does your student need help with this?

Career Track Coaching is here to help! We can ensure your students will land a solid job opportunity upon graduation.

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