Career Track Coaching Minute – Daniel Atwater

Jim 0:10
Hi, welcome to career track coaching minute.

Jim 0:13
Again, my name is Jim Frisch, where we help young adults find meaningful careers through a coaching process.

Jim 0:19
And as if everyone remembers once a month, we bring past clients into, you know, the video to ask him a few questions about, you know, the experience they had with career track coaching and what advice that they might have.

Jim 0:35
And so this month we have Daniel Atwater, he’s from Chicago area and he graduated from Ohio State University.

Jim 0:46
So, Daniel, welcome.

Jim 0:48
Thanks for doing this.

Daniel 0:50
Yeah, of course.

Daniel 0:50
Glad to be here.

Jim 0:51

Jim 0:52
And so, you know, there’s a few questions that we wanna ask.

Jim 0:55
And so the first one I, I tend to ask is, you know, what advice would you give someone who is right out of college and looking for a job?

Daniel 1:07
Yeah, I would say right off the bat, creating that effective routine and remaining consistent with it.

Daniel 1:13
Again, that’s really the key part of it is like building that routine, but then remaining consistent, like holding yourself accountable however you can, I think that confidence and success, both seem to stem from the amount of preparation and research that you really put into the process.

Daniel 1:30
And a lot of this happens before you even hit the apply button to a company.

Daniel 1:34
You know, you gotta have that preparation.

Jim 1:36
Yeah, prior to one so great.

Jim 1:38
So when you say like routine and so forth, can you, can you just give me like an example or two that, that you did?

Daniel 1:47
Yeah, absolutely.

Daniel 1:48
Yeah, working on, it can be small things like kind of tracking your sleep schedule, you know, making sure you’re waking up in a consistent time every day, going to bed at a consistent time because if you treat your body right, you’re gonna be in a lot better state to perform the way you want additionally, kind of keeping track of your data.

Daniel 2:06
So I like making a database to ensure that you can track all the people that you’ve networked with, all the people that you want to apply with and connect with and kind of having it in one spot or we can just track everything, continue to build that, that databases.

Daniel 2:20
Those are important factors for sure.

Jim 2:22

Jim 2:23
You know, the, the routine part of it.

Jim 2:26
I feel like a lot of people forget about that.

Jim 2:28
You know, you go from having, you know, your day scheduled, you know, in college, and then all of a sudden you’re looking for potentially a job and you don’t have school anymore and it’s, it’s very challenging.

Jim 2:40
So you have to have that routine to be as productive as possible.

Jim 2:44
So, thanks for that.

Jim 2:46
And then, you know, just from our experience working together, you know, again, we would have weekly or biweekly you know, conversations and sessions.

Jim 2:56
What, did you feel like, you learned from going through the process?

Daniel 3:01
Yeah, definitely learned the importance of organization and discipline.

Daniel 3:05
So I really enjoyed how you provided me with those templates for interviews, for my resume, for templates, for networking conversations.

Daniel 3:15
And just overall the systematic approach that we took to applying to jobs, I mean, it really was all based on time management, consistency, and kind of keeping track of things.

Daniel 3:26
So it was a really effective system that I love.

Jim 3:29

Jim 3:30
You know, I, I find too when you talked about, you know, consistency in tracking too is, you know, it’s all about, you know, I always say like success equals the number of hours you put in every day, the number of networking conversations you could have and the number of applications and if you consistently do those, you’re gonna get interviews and ultimately opportunities in a new job.

Jim 3:55
So, and then my last question is, you know, based not now that we’re done, you know, and in the habits that you learned, I guess, what, what do you think you’ll continue with moving forward.

Daniel 4:08
Yeah, for sure.

Daniel 4:09
So I think a lot of those simple changes that you kind of recommended and installed in my routine such as like a sleep sleep schedule remaining consistent with that is something I definitely plan on maintaining additionally, like a lot of those templates that you provided me.

Daniel 4:26
I could use them for infinite things, infinite directions, kind of tweak them a little bit depending on the experience I’m applying to or what I, where I’m going with it.

Daniel 4:36
But yeah, those are really useful resources that I plan to hold on to and use for the rest of my future, you know, that’s my career, right?

Jim 4:44

Jim 4:45
And then when I, when Daniel talked about like templates, so, you know, there’s a template that we use for, you know, how to network.

Jim 4:54
There’s a template obviously for interviewing.

Jim 4:57
And they have those, you know, types of conversations.

Jim 5:00
We did a template for like reaching out to an alumni.

Jim 5:03
So, that’s awesome that the templates helped out.

Jim 5:06
So, I really appreciate your time.

Jim 5:09
I hope everyone got some great value from Daniel’s insights and so forth and I appreciate it.

Jim 5:17
Good luck with everything.

Jim 5:18
It was great working with you and look forward to keeping in touch with you in the future until that.

Daniel 5:25
Yeah, absolutely!

Jim 5:26
Thanks a bunch.

Daniel 5:27
Thank you, Jim.

Jim 5:28

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