How to Prepare for Video Interviews

Due to the pandemic, Video interviewing is becoming more and more common. If you’re scheduled for a video interview, it’s important to prepare ahead of time. In this blog post, we will discuss tips and tricks that will help you look your best and make a great impression on the interviewer!

  • Find a space that is comfortable, quiet, and well-lit for your interview. Let people around you know when you are being interviewed and put a sign on your door to ensure no one walks in.
  • Test your computer/tablet/phone before your interview, and make sure everything is working properly. You can even practice by doing a mock interview with a friend or family member. Practice until you feel comfortable for the interview.
  • Come to your interview professionally dressed as if you were meeting in person.
  • Preparation is the key to every interview– research the company and interviewer if possible. Develop a cheat sheet for each interview. It’s OK to take notes and have questions prepared.
  • Put your phone on silent. If you are using it for the interview, make sure you close all your apps. If you are using a laptop or tablet, close all the notification sounds or pop-ups.
  • Maintain good eye contact when speaking to the interviewer.
  • Make sure your device is fully charged before your interview.
  • If you are asked a tough question, it’s OK to pause for a second to think about the answer. Silence is OK for 5-10 seconds ….
  • Bring energy and excitement to the interview.
  • Consider wearing a headset to reduce noise challenges.
  • At the end of the interview, ask about next steps and write a thank note. Include why you would be a good fit to the organization
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